"I have to thank you and Ron for running this program with such passion and regard for developing these kids. The end result is a ton of kids that love the game. These next few weeks will certainly be emotional ones for Lucas and myself as he completes his 5th season with the Dix Hills Mites. You guys took my little guy in when he could barely glide on his skates, and with Ron's coaching he now plays on the top line of the Rebels. He now loves hockey in every way..... Again from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for all that you guys do for our little ones."

"I wanted to thank you-not just for the wonderful program you have put together or the time you spent encouraging my two boys but for instilling in them a love of hockey, skating and sport in general. This.....is clearly due to your work in developing programs for the younger players"

D. R.
"What a great year.....Thanks for your commitment"

"Thank you for another great season. I know how other sports are run and it's a pleasure to come to hockey. Scott and Jeremy thank you too!"

Hi Lou You have no idea what was going on since the last day ( especially after the islanders game when reality hit him that hes done with ice hockey for this season) He really wants to be on the same team again next season I told him a couple might be on the same team as you.. he said i hope so.. ( never in the past he had problems with transitioning ) I just cant believe how on the first day he had such a hard time staying on the ice because there was too many players and they were going so fast...to the last day he can't get off after practice or game he must do some "racing" at the end... haha Do u have his team names and phone numbers or address ( if they allow u to give them out) Anthony would like to contact them and maybe set a play date.. Thanks so much for everything.. He had a wonderful time!! It's his FAVORITE sport after playing for so many different sports... this is his favorite thats for sure!! You did a wonderfullllllll job organizing this.. you deserve a bigggg compliment!!! Hopefully see you on some of those thurs nights! otherwise well be back in the fall! Take care

"Tyler had a wonderful season. Thank you and all the coaches for a great time. We all had a fun time at the Devils/Islander game Saturday night."

Lou, Thanks for a great season. I know all the kids really enjoyed themselves, but in particular, my boys loved it. If you asked me a year ago if I thought Jacob would ever play again, I probably would have said no....and the funny thing is that not only did he play, he loved it. He looked forward to the games. All the neighborhood kids come to our living room to play floor/roller hockey. I could literally get rid of almost all their other toys and they wouldn't miss them. I knew having no furniture would have its perks. Scott and I loved coaching the kids...we were lucky to have such a nice team. I was most impressed with the older ones because they always encouraged the little guys. I remember when Jeremy was in goal...they would pat his helmet and tell him what a great job he was doing. During practices they were patient and loved to demonstrate the drills. See you at the rink.

Hi Lou- Thanks for the terrific season. The boys had the best time. We all appreciate everything that you do for this league. There should be more programs like this around. Unfortunately, they are hard to come by! See you at the Thursday night clinics-

Christine Ranftle
Dear Coach Lou, Thank you for giving my son Matthew a great experience. This was his first time playing any kind of hockey. He really loved it. He is one of those children that was described in the article you just e-mailed to all of us. He plays hockey all the time. A net is set up in the basement, he plays it on the computer, play station and his game boy. You offered him a great experience and it is greatly appreciated. We look forward to the clinics and next season! Thanks again!

The Sadiker's
Lou Just wanted to thank you and the coaching staff again on a great job this entire year with the kids. When we got home. Ryan was clearly upset as he took off his jersey tonight and told me he was sad the season was over. I only tell you this because that is a sign he had a great time this year and wants to continue to play, thanks to you and your coaches. see you in the summer. Great job today....

Matthew Coffey
Hi Lou- Thanks for the invitation for the 2004-2005 Mites season. Erik will not be returning this season. He has been playing with the Mites at the Rinx since the spring and he will now be moving up to the Squirts with his brother Matt. Thank you for introducing him to hockey in such a fun and positive way! We will all always remember our time with the "Dix Hills Mites". Erik has truely developed a crazy love for the sport and we only hope that he continues to have fun! We will miss you and all of your wonderful events!

Christine and Mark Ranftle
Dear Lou, We'd like to thank you for the wonderful end of the season finale and the pizza. John & Jason had a great time. Thanks for all you had done in the name of hockey, and for teaching our kids the fundamentals of the game. We'll miss you.

John & Rosario
Special thanks to you Lou we appreciate what you do for the mites and for keeping such a devoted coaching staff Zac has matured in sportsmanship and hockey has boosted his self esteem he now knows the meaning of teamwork before hockey he wouldnt be involved in sports thanks to the mites program he wants to try other sports as well (he says hockey will always be his favorite) thanks again Lou

Bill Hoermann
"I wanted to praise and thank you and the coaches for all your efforts with the boys (and girls)in this program. This is William's second year and he loves playing the game. It still amazes me how much he has improved. Thanks,"

Christine D
"Hey Coach, you're doing a great job with the program. I'm sure you...."..know everyone is really happy with the results. I was really impressed at how well all the kids were playing compared to how they were when they first started in July. What a difference. You�ve given them something that can help shape their lives. Structure they can use on and off the ice. Thinking, practicing, exercising and discipline(with a little hard work) and lots of fun.

Vinny M
"Dear Lou, I wanted to drop you a note to say thanks, I know yesterday was only the first game...." ...of the season, but I wanted to let you know that Peter had a blast. I don't think he stopped smiling or talking about his game until he went to sleep. He thinks the world of you and told us that you make things fun. My work schedule keeps me from seeing what he does in the afternoons, but boy,has he improved! It's truly heartwarming to see him so love an activity. Thanks for your time, patience and dedication. I know Peter is going to have a great season. Once again, thank you. Yesterday's game was one of the most enjoyable kids sporting events I've ever attended.

Jean K
"Just as you predicted. He had a great time yesterday and is thrilled to be playing."

Bob G
"Opening day was great and I was so impressed how well he was playing - he really learned a lot from the few clinics he attended".

Elise E
"You and your coaches do a great job; my kids are having a blast. It's turning out to be everything I wanted it to be for them. Thank You"!

"I agree with your philosophy 100%. Fun with Fundamentals!!!!! My boys are thrilled and proud of themselves after every hockey session....".

"I have to say you run a GREAT program for the Mini-mites...A lot of fun... Great job and glad I can be a part of it."

"Thank you so much! We are registering Rayleigh now for the fall. Not only was this an amazing experience for her first time with a stick but we’ve seen such an improvement in just a few short weeks. Thank you for running such a great program with coaches who are engaged the entire time and who truly care about kids and their development. Your program is unparalleled and we’ve been around the block with the rinks on Long Island. Thanks!"

"Nothing but the best things to say about Dix Hills Mites Hockey! Thank you for doing things the right way! They know how to introduce kids to hockey in the most developmentally appropriate way. The progress my kids have made is beyond impressive and not because they trained hard or were pushed to the max but because it was done the right way.

Proud Mom moment! Austin completed his first season of hockey. A year ago, Austin told me he hated hockey, but in October he agreed to try playing and join the Dix Hills Mites. Well...he fell in Love with the sport! He worked so hard and was chosen by his coaches for the Most Improved Player award!!